Effects of Different Dietary Fat Sources on Oxidative Stress Parameters in Broiler Chickens
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Introduction: Certain types of dietary fats may elevate the generation of free radicals, resulting in oxidative stress and potential cellular damage. The present study aimed to investigate the impact of high-energy diets derived from various fat sources on broiler chicken welfare and production.
Materials and methods: A total of 216-day-old unsexed Arbor Acre broiler chickens were assigned to four treatment groups. The groups, including control, beef tallow (high energy diet animal source, HEDAS), palm oil (high energy diet plant source, HEDPS), and low energy diet (LED), each consisting of three replicates with 18 birds, were investigated in a completely randomized design over 42 days.
Results: According to the results, the HEDPS group had the highest live weight, while the HEDAS group indicated the highest dressing percentage. Significant differences were noted in alanine transaminase and alanine phosphatase in the treatment group compared to the control group. Cholesterol levels were significantly high in the HEDAS group and LDL levels were the lowest compared to the control group. The HEDAS group also exhibited the highest triglyceride level compared to other treatments. The HDL levels were higher in the LED and HEDPS groups compared to the HEDAS group. The VLDL concentration was significantly higher in the HEDAS group in comparison with other groups.
Conclusion: The HEDPS diet positively affected serum biochemistry and carcass characteristics, highlighting its potential in broiler chicken welfare and production.
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